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Join Us

Why are we here?

Third-party risks associated with supply chains and vendors critically challenge healthcare cybersecurity, data protection, and even patient safety. We’re here to identify efficient and effective approaches to reduce risk and instill trust in the healthcare industry’s third-party ecosystem.  

Why is the Health3PT initiative important?

Information privacy and security risks are complex. Effectively assessing supply chain security can be cost-prohibitive for many organizations, particularly those within the ever-changing regulatory landscape. Organizations, their third-party suppliers, and vendor partners are challenged to create, administer, manage, and respond to information security assessments that allow efficient, effective navigation of security, compliance, and assurance needs.  Through collaboration, we can most effectively resolve these shared challenges.

Why should you join us?

If you are a healthcare organization, supplier, or vendor partner challenged to manage and respond to third-party risks, you are intimately aware of the issues and opportunities surrounding the healthcare ecosystem and the dire need for a better way forward. We value your insight and welcome your participation in developing, recommending, and promoting practices that effectively safeguard patient information and manage security risks associated with supply chains.  

Join the Cause

Benefits of Health3PT Participation

Health3PT members help to devise strategies to streamline third-party risk management and cybersecurity.  

  • Exchange best practices with your peers
  • Share lessons learned 
  • Improve your security posture 
  • Eliminate inefficiencies by leveraging the collective brainpower of the Health3PT council 
  • Influence the conversation about problems that impact the healthcare ecosystem
  • Participate in working groups focused on issues important to you 
  • Show leadership in a critical area of your business 
  • Be considered for future Health3PT council opportunities